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What, another year has passed?   Impossible!  The next version of the Last Resort mod still isn't done yet?  I can't believe it either!

Happy new year everyone!   I worked a little on the mod over the Christmas holiday but didn't get as much done as I would have liked.  Specifically I was concentrating on making new textures for Mission B (Getts house).   Not all textures are good enough to use AI software to upgrade and need to be rebuilt from scratch.   This process is very time consuming because frequently I also need to tweak the mission's .SCN file with Furrycat's brilliant SCN editor.

As previously mentioned in older blog entries I am currently really busy working full time on a Canadian television show.   This season we shoot for 10 months of the year (very grueling run) but by mid-February we will finally be wrapped.  After a week of recovery I hope to get back to working on the mod.


Random thoughts:


It looks like the NeuWon network is dead for good.   The website hasn't been up in a while and the creator of NeuWon doesn't seem to respond to emails.   Such a shame since it would have been really nice to have a way to play Swat 3 online like the old days.


I got a notification from the company that I buy the domain name for this website that all .info website domains will have a price increase of over 15% next year.  Don't be surprised if I move this website to new domain in the future to save money.   Luckily I have already renewed for a year before the price increases.


At some point this year I also must build a new template for the website.  I have avoided upgrading the CMS that the website runs on but eventually they will stop releasing security patches for this existing version.

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